

Entrance on, Level 1/300 Barangaroo Ave, Barangaroo NSW 2000

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Opening Hours

8:30am - 4:30pm, Mon - Fri

Map, showing Medscan

Led by experienced radiologists, Medscan offers CT scans, MRIs, digital x-rays, dental imaging and more

Medscan is a Barangaroo medical imaging practice, staffed by a team of experienced radiologists and specialists.

Whatever medical imaging service you need, Medscan can help. They offer a comprehensive range of radiological services and are staffed by a team of Sydney’s leading radiologists, including Dr James Black and Dr John O’Rourke - both of whom have decades of medical experience.

All your medical imaging needs

Medscan offer everything from general x-ray through to MRI, ultrasound, mammography, cardiac imaging and interventional procedures.

They provide high-quality patient care and expert analysis of all images thanks to their high-end equipment and knowledgeable staff. The practice is owner-operated and provides reporting services through associate subspecialist radiologists and cardiologists.

For appointments either ring the practice directly, ask your doctor or specialist for a referral or request an appointment through their website.
